Overview of the main features


Do you need special connection to your CRM, or other unusual requirements? We are ready to discuss, help, and possibly implement new features.

A/B Testing
A/B Testing

Simple testing of different variants of the mailing. Test different items in the subject or email body. Manual or automatic selection of better variant based on openers or clicks.

Transactional mailings
Transactional mailings

Send transactional emails with optimized, reliable delivery, integrate transactional sending flexible API, analyze performance with detailed reporting.

External data sources
External data sources

Use external data sources (in formats as xls, csv, xml, json) stored/generated outside of XCAMPAIGN for email content personalization. No need to import/synchornize data with XCAMPAIGN, you have all important data under control and real time updated. XCAMPAIGN will download and use the most current data set at time of the mailing sending.

Multilingual mailshots
Multilingual mailshots

Mailshots can be created in many different languages. The mail received by a particular recipient will be in the language that is registered in recipient’s profile data.

Focus on security
Focus on security

Data security is our highest priority that can be enhanced to the maximum level by using our optional service – XCRYPTO.

Standard Mailings
Standard Mailings

Send a mass mailings to all your contacts or a targeted your mailings to very specific targeting segments.

Automatically Triggered Mailings
Automatically Triggered Mailings

XCAMPAIGN email marketing solution let you automatically schedule and send emails on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis based on the dates that you select. Or send automatically triggered email to customers on their birthday each year by creating a custom field containing each contact’s birth date.

Dynamic RSS mailings
Dynamic RSS mailings

Automatically add RSS content in your mailings. Deliver relevant and dynamic content to your email recipients . RSS-driven content in the email body and/or subject line is dynamically merged at the time of each send.

Mobile Optimized
Mobile Optimized

Your emails will render perfectly no matter what device they are opened on.

API and Powerful CRM Integrations
API and Powerful CRM Integrations

Enhance your marketing power by connecting your email marketing to your CRM. Z.B. Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, Dynamics, bsi, etc.

Conditional Content and Content Prioritization
Conditional Content and Content Prioritization

Send a one mailing but have it personified by different items for different recipients based on how they behave or based on data in their profiles. Create the most personalized and relevant message possible that will take your customers even more.

Free Content Hosting
Free Content Hosting

Upload unlimited images or other attachments for your mailings.

Managed Deliverability
Managed Deliverability

XCAMPAIGN will auto-optimize your deliverability to reach as many recipients as possible.

Custom Profile Attributes
Custom Profile Attributes

Create unlimited profile attributes to store customer data that are important to your company.

Raw data
Raw data

Raw data with all statistics of each campaign can be transferred automatically to your server. You can consume exactly all the information you need to present the statistics you want.

Bulk SMS Sending
Bulk SMS Sending

Send personified and fully targeted SMS to your customers as part of your strategic campaigns. Pricing for SMS sending is affordable and easy. SMS sending is available to any country worldwide.

Unsubscribe links according legislation
Unsubscribe links according legislation

Unsubscribe links are entered automatically to every email sent by XCAMPAIGN and XCAMPAIGN make sure that usubscribed recipient will never receive email he does not want.

Social Sharing
Social Sharing

Share your new most actual newsletter to popular social media sites to better spread your new offers to customers.

Detail Targeting and Segmentation
Detail Targeting and Segmentation

Combine customer profile attributes and customer behavior to better target your offers.

Google Analytics Integration
Google Analytics Integration

Track your customer behavior after they click through to your website.

Ready for agency
Ready for agency

As an agency, you can manage all your client activities with one XCAMPAIGN account.


App-Store offers you applications that increase the standard functionality of your client account in XCAMPAIGN. Applications that enhance the security of your data (such as data encryption or single SSO login) are also offered.

XCase – tickets to solve
XCase – tickets to solve

The application used for managing the requirements customer may have of XCAMPAIGN. New requirements or bugs can be reported here. All requirements are then processed by technical support.

Net Promotion Score
Net Promotion Score

Recipients could now use NPS to rate your mailshot. With predefined template they can give you feedback to your mailshots.

Highest secure profile
Highest secure profile

With greatest references from ECO and CSA Association and periodic testing with AEC, you count on the absolute security of your data.

Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication

With Two-Factor Authentication your account cannot be accessed by anyone unauthorized by you, even if they have stolen your password.

reCaptcha protection
reCaptcha protection

Registration forms are protected against automatic script bots with modern version of invisible reCaptcha.

Chat-GPT Integration
Chat-GPT Integration

Thanks to the integration of ChatGPT, texts can be automatically shortened, lengthened or improved. Create perfect newsletters effortlessly!

Ready to get started? How does it work?

1 1

Fill in the easy register form with your email or phone

2 2

Our support team will contact you immediately back

3 3

You will receive an XCAMPAIGN product presentation

4 4

Your account will be prepared exactly according to your needs

5 5

Log into app and start increase your profit with XCAMPAIGN